Jan Sanner--Fort Wayne's Leading

A Friend in Real Estate

Do you have a friend "in real estate"? The chances are good that you may have several such friends. That could create a dilemma when you decide to sell your present home. How would you decide which friend to represent you in the sale of your home?
If you are like most sellers, you will no doubt want to sell your home at the best possible price. At the same time, it would be important to accomplish the sale in the least time and with a minimum of inconvenience to you and your family. To accomplish each of those three objectives, your home should be marketed effectively from the beginning.
If you choose one of your real estate friends, it makes good sense to choose one who knows the real estate business from the inside - out, someone who devotes full-time to the business and has made a long-term commitment to be the best. Your friend should possess extensive knowledge about your neighborhood and, specifically, the type property you will be selling. The friend you choose should be "in-touch" with the local market, having daily contact with mortgage lenders, bankers, attorneys, and other real estate related individuals.
Your friend should be a REALTOR, a member in good standing of the local Board of REALTORS, who subscribes to a Code of Ethics. This association provides many opportunities for its members, including continuing education and regular contact with other professionals, another measure of your friend's commitment to excellence. His or her activity level, the degree of involvement in day-to-day changes which occur in real estate locally, will very likely reflect an established record of successful real estate sales.
Does it sound as though you should look for a professional real estate business person, rather than a friend? You really should, and if that professional also happens to be a friend, Bingo! - everyone's a winner.
If you don't know who to talk to about selling your home, please give me a call at 260-489-7024 or outside of Fort Wayne call 1-800-395-9527. Let's talk.

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