Jan Sanner--Fort Wayne's Leading

Don't Leave Home!

Selling your home soon? Will you be able to find a buyer? More importantly, will buyers be able to find you? If you plan to sell your home alone, without the professional assistance of a REALTOR, staying at home should also be included in your plans.
At first, when you begin running advertisements and place a "For Sale" sign in your yard, you may receive many phone calls from prospective purchasers. They may also come to your front door to ask questions - unannounced. That is good, however it places responsibility squarely on your shoulders to be there at all reasonable hours to graciously show the home at their convenience.
You may say to yourself, "I'm home most of the time, and if I do happen to be gone, my telephone answering machine will take their call". Yes, some will leave a message or call back - the ones with plenty of time on their hands.
You will probably encounter two types of buyers, the not-so-serious "time-wasters" and the sincere buyers, motivated to make a purchase. In the first case, if you are not home when they call or come-by, don't worry. They will call back. They like to look at homes and are in no hurry to buy. They like to call people selling "by owner" because they will not have to deal with a REALTOR who may ask them qualifying questions before showing the home.
The second group of buyers, those motivated and prepared to make a purchase right away, will rarely call a second time or return if you are not home. They intend to buy - plain and simple. If you have your home "For Sale" and are not home, they will probably go to homes which can be seen with little notice, usually those listed with a local REALTOR.
To purchase a home, buyers must first see the home. To be sure your home is exposed to the widest variety of potential buyers, at their convenience, seek the representation of a REALTOR. You benefit from the convenience, and your best interests are protected.
If you are considering selling your home and want it to be professionally marketed, let's talk about a custom marketing plan designed for you. Please call me at 260-489-7024 or outside of Fort Wayne call 1-800-395-9527.

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